Monday, August 30, 2010

Nick Veasey - X Ray

The art of Nick Veasey is truly unique. Not many people know of the process that goes into x ray photography. The "studio" was specially built from concrete and lined with lead. Veasey has many x ray machines with varying capabilities. The concrete studio is cleared of people before shooting begins; the machines are operated from the outside. The film is then retrieved and scanned in high resolution. After scanning they go through an editing process where it is digitally cleaned and enhanced. The last image of the plane required more than 500 separate shots for a complete picture.

Zhou Mi - Photographer

Zhou Mi was born in a city called WuXi in JiangSu, China. He photographs tattered objects along the San Francisco coast, calling the series Lost & Found. He sees these discarded objects as friends and reunites with them each time he returns. His favorite subject is people; people are the ultimate subject because they are diverse, complex and full of endless potential.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Lance Burton - Las Vegas Headliner

Lance Burton is quite possibly the most famous headliner in Las Vegas. He is known for his classical style of magic that dazzle the audience from around the world. In 1994, he signed the longest running contract ever given to any Las Vegas performer with the Monte Carlo Resort and Casino. The Lance Burton Theater was built to his needs specifically for his show. Unfortunately, he is ending the contract early due to budget cuts. His last show will be September 4th, a week from now.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Scott London - Photographer at Burning Man

The Burning Man Festival is held once a year, on a piece of government protected land, in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada. For a few days in a year, Black Rock Desert becomes Black Rock City, where participants come together, forming a community. The event is described as survival and radical self-expression. Scott London is one of the photographers who attend Burning Man. Until 2009, he has attended the festival six years in a row.
There are no spectators to this event. All who attend are referred to as participants. While money isn't allowed on site, so participants are encouraged to make items/trinkets for barter.

Quentin Tarantino - Director of Inglourious Basterds

Hans Landa, above, is one of the many colorful characters in Quentin Tarantino's latest production, titled Inglourious Basterds. Tarantino is best known for Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, and Kill Bill. His films are many times a mixture of twists, comedy, action, history, and homage to the past. They're often plot-heavy and contain tons of dialogue. Tarantino often collaborates with Robert Rodriguez, who is coming out with Machete. People who's seen Grindhouse will recognize this.