Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sven Prim

His work are often quite clever and sometimes humorous. He describes himself as a "technology geek who loves to create strange and surreal situations."

George Steinmetz

His birds-eye view photography is visually stunning. George Steinmetz specializes in travel, aerial, and landscape photography.

Peter Callesen

Peter Callesen's paper art is unparalleled. Recently, most of his work have been done using sheets of standard letter sized paper. These sculptures explore the possibilities of transforming a traditionally 2 dimensional object into something more.

Jonas Samson - Designer

Jonas Samson and the light-emitting wallpaper. Tiny LED's are embedded into the wallpaper and consume very little power. Gives a whole new dimension to interior design.

Jean Yves Lemoigne - Photographer

Jean Yves Lemoigne has done many commercial artwork for large corporations such as HP, Visa, and Volkswagen. His work is often very outlandish which is reflected in both his personal and commissioned pieces.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Jeff McBride

Known for his signature mask routine and card manipulations. Also a well known Las Vegas headliner.

Lu Chen

Originally from Taiwan, Lu Chen is very well known throughout China. He is well-versed in a variety of types of magic, most prominently, manipulations.

Luna Shimada

Daughter of Japanese magician, Haruo Shimada. She's followed in her father's footsteps and brought parasol magic to life. Her act is titled "Dance of the Planets".

Tom Mullica

Warning: May be painful to watch. Tom Mullica is a comedy magician. And you thought your friends smoked too much.

The Amazing Johnathan

Las Vegas headliner, The Amazing Johnathan is known for his comedy "magic". Watch it, love it.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Liu Bolin

From ShanDong, China, Liu Bolin is known as the human chameleon. He covers himself in paint and photographs himself while blended into his surroundings. Passers by often can't see through his urban camouflage until he moves. Can you spot him in each of the photos?

Steven Meisel - Fashion Photographer

Now seen as one of the most successful fashion photographers in the business, Steven Meisel rose to fame through a photo shoot he did for a book Madonna has put out. Meisel gets regular contracts with Vogue magazine.

Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams is famous for one of his photographs taken in Yosemite National Park. Adams often uses large depth of field to capture everything in focus; this also ties in with the equipment which he uses - large format cameras, for ultra high resolution. A number of Ansel Adams' original slides turned up at a garage sale for $45, which were estimated to have been worth over $200 million.

Charles Krebs - Micro/Macro Photographer

Micro/Macro photography is the art of discovering and capturing art that's all around us, on a level that most of us don't ever pay attention to. This type of photography often involves special lenses that can focus on a subject only inches away. Focusing rails are sometimes used for focusing onto the subject without shaking the camera. Flash rings are also necessary for extra lighting on the subject. Popular subjects include plants, insects and water. The work of Charles Krebs is often done on a microscopic level.

Matt Armendariz - Food Photographer

 Matt Armendariz is a California-based food photographer. Food photography is a collaborative effort, it involves expertise in both fields. Often times, someone with both culinary and artistic background is present, in addition to the photographer, to beautify the food and make it look more appetizing.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Eadweard Muybridge - Photographer

Better known as the father of motion pictures, Eadweard Muybridge used multiple cameras and trip wires to create perhaps his most famous work of a horse in motion. Each trip wire released the shutter of a camera and photographs of the horse in those instances were taken. When viewed consecutively, these photos created the illusion of a moving horse.

Duncan Eagleson - Mask Maker and Graphic Designer

He had been fascinated by masks and makeup since he was a child. Duncan Eagleson is now known for the leather masks that he creates. He has created these masterpieces not only for movies and plays but also the Smithsonian. Eagleson is also a graphic designer and an illustrator; he's done many book covers and posters.

Yoji Shinkawa - Illustrator

Yoji Shinkawa is known for his involvement in character design of video games. His work is admired by many for its not only their originality and creativity, but also their technical accuracy. Shinkawa serves as the lead artist for many Konami-released titles. His preferred tool is the Pentel Brush Pen.

Peter Max - Pop Art

Known for his cosmic/psychedelic style of art, often filled with bright colors, Peter Max rose to fame in the 1960's. He is associated with the Pop Art movement, in that he often used American symbols in his pieces.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wayne Thiebaud

Wayne Thiebaud is most famous for his paintings of pastries, cakes, and other sweets. The characteristics of his paintings often include bright and vivid colors. He's associated to the Pop Art movement and may have very well influenced it as well. His paintings of sweets are often food that would be present in diners (popular back in the days).